Is it the correct time to buy an electric vehicle in India? If not, when is the right time? Next year? Next decade?

As India is shifting towards conventional and sustainable sources of energy that are both economically and environmentally friendly, electric vehicles are going to play a major role in this transformation.

Electric vehicle policies or schemes that are being implemented in India, are going as planned, by 2030, India will reduce its carbon emissions by 30%. To achieve this, the government is completely supporting the users and the manufacturers of electric vehicles and thriving at its best to develop the infrastructure for electric vehicle users in India.

Currently, the infrastructure is being developed only in major cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc., where the maximum amount of pollution is recorded. But looking at the pace of this development in the coming future, electric vehicle charging stations may overtake or replace the current number of gasoline stations.

As this transformation is vast and nationwide, the spread of technology throughout the country might be slow, but the governments (both central and state) are pushing their limits and working to make this transformation successful. In the near future, every village is going to have public charging stations, fast charging facilities, and many more electric vehicle-related technologies.

So in conclusion, if you are from any of the major cities where the pollution is high and charging infrastructure is readily available then it’s correct and high time for you to shift to EV. And for the people who are not from these cities (towns, villages, etc.), it’s not a bad idea to shift to EVs and start a new era of transportation.

YES, YOU CAN BUY AN EV ….!!!!!!!!!