What is an “ELECTRIC FLEET” & How can it benefit organizations and the environment?

Electric fleet means “a group of electric vehicles belonging to a particular company or the organization which is used to lead their day-to-day operations”.

It helps the brands to increase their brand awareness by switching their supply fleet to electric and shows their responsibility towards the environment. Along with the merits, the brands might face some difficulties by encountering new issues.  The electrical vehicle Global Market is predicted to soar to a compound Annual Growth rate of 21.7%.

Many known brands like Ikea, Zomato, Mynntra, and Flipcart promised that they will switch to an electric fleet by 100% by 2030. Amazon is planning to invest 1 billion euros in Europe to strengthen its electric vehicle fleet. If this transition gets successful mankind will avoid carbon emissions by 44%.

The future of the electric fleet is today, or rather, fleets are adding more and more electric vehicles as a result of new environmental policies being developed, and more businesses are embracing innovative zero-carbon projects like EV 100.

Many well-known companies, such as Canoo, have emerged as the top suppliers of electrical fleets. Walmart just secured a contract with Canoo, requiring 4000 bulk electric delivery trucks. Canoo pledges to have a bright future in transforming electrical vehicles into the new face of the auto industry. Companies should switch to electric vehicle fleets at this precise moment since governments worldwide are supporting and pushing the development of the EV industry.

The electric fleet benefits companies in the following ways…

  1. Accumulative Budget
  2. Maintenance
  3. Policies and Competition will compel many industries to shift

Many businesses rely on fleets to carry out their everyday operations, therefore switching to electric vehicle fleets will benefit the globe and companies/Organizations in many ways, from sustainability to affordability.

To accommodate user needs, electric vehicle fleets can be easily adjusted. This characteristic of electric vehicles sets them apart and aids in their global ascent.

With the largest EV100 fleet commitment of 194,388, India is already a significant contender in the battle for electric fleets. The UK and France are next in line. E-commerce business Flipkart began its EV adventure in 2017 and has since deployed 2000 EVs throughout 18 states and union territories. Their current goal is to add 10,000 EVs to their fleet.

By switching to electric fleet cars, businesses can greatly lessen the threat posed by climate change. To make this happen, businesses must encourage and install charging stations and transform their parking grounds into EV-friendly environments.

Electric vehicles (EVs) will undoubtedly become the norm for transportation and driving, and improved battery chemistry components may be used, but advancements will continue.

So, an electric fleet benefits not only the environment but also the organizations in many ways.

If you have such day-to-day vehicle operations then what are you waiting for…..!!!!!

Make your fleet electric today….!!!!